Tag: detox

Goodbye wine hangovers of death!

The big change continues. I went out last night (not unusual) and drank too much, ended up at some raging house party hosted by someone I still don’t think I’ve met, did blow in the toilets (coke- I did not blow someone), then hooked up with someone (not in a toilet) I’ve been hooking up with more often that I should be (which to be honest, once was more often than I should have) & then I woke up with an earth shattering hangover and only JUST made it to my 4pm hair appointment. 

What the actual fuck is that behaviour?! Am I for real?! FFS.

I’ve never seen a problem with it. It’s never occurred to me that maybe partying like that at least twice a week could be bad for me. Or my life. Or that it’s absolutely terrible to be hooking up with this person and that karma is going to get me. Or that it’s slightly concerning that I can’t quite remember all of my nights out & that it’s probably a little unsafe to get that white girl wasted & wonder the streets – or the crowded backyard of someone I don’t know. Or you know, that it might be nice to actually see what Saturday & Sunday look like during the day. 

So, in light of this, after the long weekend next week, no drinking for 6 weeks. Total detox. Food, exercise, no alcohol- total boring case. I will more than likely lose all my friends & exhaust every season of every show on Netflix. I figure if I can last 6 weeks, then when Christmas party season kicks off I don’t have to be concerned that I’m a raging alcoholic because, well, hello, I’d lasted 6 weeks without. Plus my bikini would look like the string tied around a Christmas ham. 

Hilariously enough it was only during this week that Buzzfeed used a photo of mine for a feed about being a non drinker – I couldn’t believe the internet had it so wrong. 

& that guy… That has to stop. I don’t know how it started and I’m not sure how I’ll end it either considering we are such good friends… & he’s hot. But holy hell, the karma. I blame the alcohol. Technically.. I figure that once the alcohol is gone that “situation” will disappear too. At least until Christmas party season. 

Let’s see how long this lasts.