“People” detox

Hello from sunny North Queensland.. home of the Great Barrier Reef, the Daintree forest, and my dear friend Michelle.

Flight time to Cairns is 3.5 hours from Sydney. It’s ridiculously far considering we don’t even leave the east coast.. But it’s worth it. It’s beautiful, hot, tropical, moody (it literally shits down rain for 10 minutes then the sun comes out, about 10 times per day, and it’s not even wet season yet) and above all, despite the ridiculous amounts of (hot!) backpackers, it’s peaceful. 

Which is lucky I guess, because it would appear I’ve left Sydney at just the right time. 

Leading up to Vietnam I was seeing a male human who now I realise wasn’t all that fabulous. I’m not saying he is a bad person.. But… Actually, he is. Liar, self obsessed, selfish & silly for assuming he is smarter than everyone else around him. Not my type. It was whirlwind, and went from zero to a hundred way too fast, and ended just as quickly. By the time I hopped on the plane to Vietnam it was like he never existed. I was free, & he was forgotten. 

The links between us were pretty loose too. We didn’t share a social circle, we weren’t friends on Facebook, and while we followed each other on Instagram, he had always made a point of saying he never used it. In my opinion this meant it was possible for him to just disappear into thin air, within a month he would be less than a distant memory. Ultimate success in the world of moving on. Go me. 

On the first day of October I announce on Instagram (lol, “announce”, what a loser) that vodka (& all its alcohol filled cousins) are out of my life for the next 30 days. 

This “meant to be erased” human likes the photo within 3 minutes of me posting it 

We haven’t spoken in over a month, and he doesn’t use Instagram. I assume this must just be a slip up – he’s trying to zoom in & double tapped (rookie error), and has no idea how to unlike it before I see the notification. Massive error on his part. I almost feel sorry for him. 

Life continues as normal (if a normal life consists of diving on the Great Barrier Reef, lounging around in the sun, sleeping 12 hours a night & wandering through the Daintree) until I wake up on Saturday to find a weird notification on my phone. 

Liar boy has accepted my friend request. 

What friend request?! I never added him! Honestly I think my eyes were so wide open in shock for so long my eyeballs dried out & shattered into the floor. I checked my activity log, and nothing. 

The only explanation can be the request was made over 2 months ago. You know, when I actually spoke to him. 

So there I am, at 6am on holidays, checking his feed. Maybe he hasn’t logged on to Facebook in 2 months?

Yes. He had. Averaging one post a week (always shit, he’s quite boring to be fair) he would have definitely seen this phantom request before Saturday. 


Today is Tuesday. Let’s just say since we became “friends” on Facebook, his social updates have increased to roughly one post per half hour. I AM NOT EVEN JOKING. He has literally flooded my feed. 

& it’s not stuff that would make you think he’s great again either. One post involved the fact that he had drunk so much at a footy party that he got arrested and spent the night in police lockup. *slow clap* – is that meant to make people think you’re cool? Seriously? He is 36 FFS. Yuck. 

Now I know you would all be sitting there thinking, “You’re 30 years old! If you don’t want to be friends or see his posts, just delete him!”

I can’t. I’ve never deleted anyone off my social that I know in real life ever. Besides, deleting him passes the message on that I noticed him on social, & that there is an issue between us. Or that I’m angry & can’t stand the sight of him. Or just negativity in general. I can’t bring myself to do it. 

So the above bothers me long enough to get up, have a shower & get ready to explore Cape Tribulation. How good are holidays? If I was at home, this would have gotten under my skin for days. I would have discussed the issue with the girls. I would have actually seen all these posts as they go live because I would always be on my phone. I would be avoiding all the places he was checking in (which are just as local to me as they are to him, minus jail) to purposely avoid him. He would be having an impact on my life. 

But not while I’m here!

So! It’s been proven. Holidays soothe the soul. I know it could be seen as running, but it could also be argued that it’s just taking a little time out to enjoy life without being bogged down by all the little annoying everyday details. 

New life plan – at least once a month (aiming for every fortnight), escape to somewhere else. Road trips, interstate travel, even NZ is achievable on a weekend. Rinse and repeat until this detox has not only flushed all the bad food & leftover alcohol out of my system, but all the nagging issues surrounding all the negative people who were in my life also. 

Good riddance, losers!

(& thanks for giving me a reason to spend the next 3-6 months on tour. Suckers.)

One thought on ““People” detox

  1. About once a year, I delete people I haven’t spoken to in the last year or two, making exceptions as I please. And I warn them.. It’s nothing personal, but this is supposed to help us stay in touch and instead we’re just too overwhelmed with all the crap in our feeds to stay in touch, and I’m fixing that. People usually understand, and some of them have even sent me their phone numbers instead or contacted me to work out some issue they had which they thought was leading me to delete them. Weird how social media works, but I relate entirely to your liar discomfort and release from it. Enjoy your holiday!!


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